The partners of the Latin American regional dynamic are the eight stakeholder organizations of the CPP in the continent: ACLO and CIPCA (Bolivia), ASA, AS-PTA and CIMI (Brazil), SNPS-Caritas Colombia, APRODEH and CAAAP (Peru).


The Loyola Cultural Action Foundation (Spanish: Acción Cultural Loyola; ACLO) is a network of radio stations in South Eastern and South Central Bolivia founded by the Jesuits in 1966. It serves largely the indigenous population of these regions and has included literacy in its programs from the start. He is involved in advocacy and education for participatory democracy in a plural-national state.


The Centre for Research and Promotion of the Peasantry (CIPCA) is a Bolivian non-governmental organisation founded by Jesuits in 1970. Its mission is to contribute to the organisational, political, economic and cultural strengthening of indigenous peasant peoples. Furthermore, it participate in the construction of a Bolivia that is democratic, autonomous, unitary in its diversity, intercultural, equitable and economically and ecologically sustainable.


Articulação do Semiárido Brasileiro (ASA) is a network that defends, propagates and puts into practice, notably through public policies, political projects of coexistence with the semi-arid region in Brazil. It is a network that is made up of more than three thousand civil society organisations of different types – rural unions, farmers’ associations, cooperatives, NGOs, etc. This network connects people organised into entities that operate throughout the semi-arid region, advocating for the rights of people and communities in the region. The entities that make up the ASA are organised in forums and networks in the 10 states that make up the Brazilian Semi-Arid region. ASA's mission is to strengthen civil society in building participatory processes for sustainable development and coexistence within the Semi-Arid region based on cultural values and social justice.


Agricultura Familiar e Agroecologia (AS-PTA) is a Brazilian non-profit civil law association, which since 1983 has worked to strengthen family farming and promote sustainable rural development in Brazil. The AS-PTA participated in the constitution and operates in several civil society networks aimed at promoting sustainable rural development. At the same time as they constitute spaces for collective learning, these networks propose articulated actions of organisations and movements in society to influence the creation, implementation and monitoring of public policies.


Created in 1972, the Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI) is an association mandated by the Brazilian Catholic Church. He accompanies indigenous peoples in their struggle for survival, protection of their lands and dignity. CIMI helps them defend their rights and raises public awareness of their struggles. It also contributes to the development of their traditional knowledge, the revaluation of cultural heritage and their way of life in harmony with nature.


The National Secretariat of Social Pastoral Caritas Colombiana (SNPS-CC) is an ecclesial organization, dependent on the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, whose mission is to contribute to human, sustainable and united development and serving society in the formation of capable communities to confront and transform their social reality.


The Association for Human Rights (APRODEH) was founded in 1983. It is a Peruvian non-governmental organisation committed to the defence and comprehensive promotion of human rights. Its mission is to contribute to the development of social, legal and political processes that safeguard and promote the validity of all rights of all citizens as part of increased efforts to build an equitable and democratic country.


The Amazon Centre for Anthropology and Practical Application (CAAAP) is a non-profit civil association serving vulnerable populations in the Amazon, particularly indigenous peoples founded in 1974 by the bishops of the Peruvian jungle. CAAAP carries out training, advice, awareness raising, political advocacy, research, publications and broadcasts, as well as specialist advice and academic teaching.


The regional activities offer opportunities for participation and training for the eight associations mentioned above and their rural communities (farmers and indigenous people). The activities planned under the Resilient Communities (CoRe) are:

  • Organisation of webinars and workshops on Common Goods and fair ecological transition
  • Publication of the summary of the conclusions of the Participatory Action Research and a series of videos on Common Goods and Fair Ecological Transition
  • Organisation of three regional thematic exchanges on the management of common goods: Indigenous territorial governance, Public policies with an agro-ecological perspective, and Community water management
  • Organisation of knowledge dialogue seminars between peasant and indigenous communities and Latin American higher education institutions (within the framework of regional assemblies)
  • Production and dissemination of information on actions to defend common goods and promote the fair ecological transition through partners' social networks.