IGSSS India, Caritas Bangladesh and STT Cambodia – regional dynamic of sustainable and inclusive cities


Indo-Global Social Service Society (IGSSS)  is an organisation that contributes to the establishment of a more resilient society, based on the principles of equity, freedom and justice, in which the human rights and dignity of each individual are respected. Established in 1960, IGSSS has been implementing and supporting community development programs across India for over 60 years. Their objective is to strengthen the capacities of populations most vulnerable to environmental, social and economic inequalities, with particular attention paid to women and children. The development programs thus reposition the participation of the individual and more generally of communities as a driver of change, highlighting the power of everyone to act.


Caritas Bangladesh  was founded in 1967 and has today nearly 4,000 employees and 18,000 volunteers deployed across the country. In light of the social guidance of the Church, this NGO works for a more just and inclusive society, putting at the heart of its action the individuals most vulnerable to the impacts of global warming and strengthening their capacity for action. Its members specialize in reducing risks from climatic events in urban areas. Their mission is therefore to act locally, in prevention or after a disaster, in order to best support populations in their recovery and in a sustainable manner. Their action is also focused on improving housing in informal neighbourhoods and access to basic services.


Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (STT)  is a Cambodian NGO established in 2005 and based in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. STT works with vulnerable communities residing in informal urban neighbourhoods with the aim of improving their living conditions and habitats. Its mission is to provide these local communities with tools to support them towards collective mobilisation with the aim of strengthening their power to act and thus their autonomy. This involves mapping, advocacy and evaluation tools, but also through the implementation of training to raise awareness among individuals about access to their rights. STT also has a significant research component, and thus positions itself as a major player in collecting field data from these informal neighbourhoods with the aim of placing them at the heart of urban political decisions. STT does not receive funds from AFD.


As part of the Sustainable and Inclusive Cities (VDI) dynamic in Asia , the SCCF supports the above mentioned three Asian partners who are working to improve the resilience of urban areas. This strategy aims to contribute to societal transformations through the sharing of knowledge and experiences with the aim of creating a real network of exchanges. This common understanding of what a sustainable and inclusive city is will then serve as a solid basis for the deployment of field projects. The partners will thus be strengthened in their power to act with the most vulnerable local communities by encouraging them to be active players in improving the living conditions of their own territory. The Sustainable and Inclusive Cities dynamic then appears as an opportunity for multi-actor exchange promoting a just ecological transition in urban areas.