Created in 1972, the Missionary Council for Indigenous People (CIMI) is an association mandated by the Brazilian Catholic Church to support indigenous peoples. CIMI supports these peoples in their struggle to protect their lands, their rights and their dignity. The CIMI contributes to the development of their traditional knowledge, the revaluation of their cultural heritage and their way of life in harmony with nature. The recognition of the historical rights of indigenous peoples contributes to the construction of a democratic, just, united, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society in Brazil.
The Mura and Maraguá peoples, affected by the project implemented within the framework of the Resilient Communities (CoRe), are threatened by covetousness on their territories (gold panning, mining, extensive livestock farming, tourism). Faced with this, they are organising to demand the demarcation of their territories. The CIMI supports them by promoting, in particular, the training of young people and women and by promoting the installation of agroforestry systems.
The program in the CoRe focuses on the following activities:
- Workshops on Strengthening the Economies of the Mura and Maraguá Peoples and the Power of Indigenous Women and Their Organisations
- Advisory support and political-legal training on territorial rights, public policies and indigenous rights for the Mura and Maraguá peoples and their organisations
- Support for the articulation of struggles and the mobilization of the Mura and Maraguá peoples to guarantee public policies and for the defense of the territory through political and legal advocacy at the regional, national and international level.