The GEMDEV (Scientific Interest Group for the Study of Globalisation and Development) was created in November 1983 under the supervision of the University of Paris 8. It brings together training and research teams from different universities. Created in the Ile-de-France region, it has become a national network. The role of GEMDEV is to promote synergies between research centres and teams, as well as masters and doctoral schools working on the analysis of globalisation, developing countries, and the conceptions, realities, institutions and policies of development.
Within the framework of Resilient Communities (CoRe) , GEMDEV ensures scientific animation, promotion and dissemination of action research productions throughout the CoRe program, contributing with CIEDEL to the formalisation and co-definition of the terms of a just ecological transition and its operational concepts, via the valorisation of the capitalisation of different actions on the ground. GEMDEV will also ensure the internal evaluation of the program and its impact measurement.
GEMDEV runs “Controversy & Debates” workshops/seminars in France and with international videoconferencing as a place for co-producing the reflection of the CoRe partners and the actors with whom they work. It leads strategic reflection within the collective of CoRe actors to establish a shared concept of the just ecological transition and its operational implementation based on positions established locally.
A first research project was finalised on the link between agro ecology, employment and food security with a comparative aim between Benin, Senegal, Togo, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. Activities within the CoRe foresee the production of knowledge by the SCCF with field partners and their research partners. This knowledge will be disseminated throughout all partner networks, particularly research structures, such as the PROFADEL network and the various teams that make up the GEMDEV national research structure (notably IRD, CIRAD, AgroParisTech, CNRS and numerous French university teams). They will be presented in conferences and symposiums organised ad hoc, such as the “Controversies & Debate” seminars, created for the CoRe, which will bring together research actors from different disciplines of the social sciences, and field actors engaged in the action. Field partners and their local research partners use their dissemination vectors according to their networks and means of distribution established and to be established (radio, seminars, press communications, etc.) and will integrate into conferences such as the Social Forum. Panamazonian (FOSPA).